Itt tartozkodik: Termékek> Műszaki- vegyitermékek> Műszaki ragasztóanyagok> Epoxi ragasztók> PERMABOND 2K MT3809
PermabondPERMABOND 2K MT3809
Küldjenek ajánlatot erre a termékrePERMABOND® MT3809 is a 10:1, two-part, modified epoxy adhesive designed for potting applications. It has excellent adhesion to Nylon, ABS, Polycarbonate and other plastics. When cured, this adhesive is soft and reasonably flexible. Its low viscosity makes it suitable for potting intricate parts.
Features & Benefits
- Adhesion to a wide variety of substrates
- Full cure at room temperature
- Easy to apply
- Soft & flexible
- Self levelling
- Low viscosity