MolykoteMOLYKOTE D-7620
Küldjenek ajánlatot erre a termékreMolykote D 7620 Anti Friction Coating is best suited for metal/metal combinations with slow to moderately fast movements and moderate to high loads. It is used in highly stressed sliding areas with low sliding speeds, oscillating movements or intermittent operations as well as for permanent lubrication at high temperatures and also where oils and greases cannot be used. It is successfully used for cylinder head gaskets and exhaust manifold gaskets of combustion engines.
- Outstanding lubrication properties
- High compressive strength
- High temperature resistance
- Resistant to oils, greases and solvents
- Avoidance of fretting corrosion
- High abrasion resistance
SzínSzilárdkenőanyagHőmérséklettartomány (C°)Száradási idő 20 C°-on [min]Kikeményedési idő [min / °C]Falex terhelhetőség [N]Berágási korrózió Debyer Teszt [Oszilláció]Sóspermet teszt [h]μ Menetμ CsavarfejHeggedésierő 800N-nál (mm)