Itt tartozkodik: Hírek> Híreink> DOW CORNING OS-10 / OS-20 / OS-30 | New
PERMABOND 3D90 3D Print Infiltrant | New
Permabond 3D90 has been developed for use as an infiltrant for toughening 3D printed parts. It is a low odour, non-fogging, non-frosting alkoxyethyl cyanoacrylate. Its ultra-low viscosity is ideal for wicking into porous surfaces and its delayed cure allows deeper penetration into larger parts. The low odour formulation allows use in large dip baths or for coating large surfaces. Using Permabond 3D90 on printed parts helps strengthen and protect them, as well as fill any voids or porosities and ...
Dewatering Unit OPS 010 · OPS 550
Some of the causes of water in hydraulic and lubricating oil are:Ambient moisture, splash water, cooler breakage.With the new OPS mobile dewatering unit large quantities offree water can be removed economically. The oil is heated andchannelled into a vacuum chamber.The water is reduced quickly, long before the saturation limit isreached, thanks to the reduced steam pressure.A fi ne fi lter is installed downstream from the drying process toensure that the oil is dry and fi ltered when it fl ows ...
• 700 bar electric 2 stage pump • Remote jog switch with 3m cord • 100 ton cylinder 700 bar with spring return (260.4 mm stroke) • Hydraulic-actuated lift cart extends puller from ground to a height of 1.5m. • Jaws are hydraulically controlled with cylinders • Multiple pushing adapters: (1) 89mm diameter X 228.6mm (1) 89mm diameter X 482.6mm (1) 89mm diameter X 736.6mm • Removable transport cart • Puller can be used in horizontal and/or suspended vertical ...
High Pressure Compressors for breathing air
Nagynyomású kompresszorok levegőhöz,Kompresszor tartozékok,Szűrő és tartozékok,Gáztalanító rendszerek,Eszközök és tartozékok.Magasnyomású kompresszor levegő és gázkeverék technika számáraA Maximator professzionális és félig professzionális alkalmazások széles választékát kínálja. Professzionális megoldásokat kínálunk a hobbi búvároknak / professzionális búvároknak, a légzésvédelemnek, a tűzoltóságoknak, a katasztrófavédelmi csoportoknak, ...
Dow Corning bemutatta az új vízcsap kenőanyagot a G-5511-et
A fejlett, kettős feladatot ellátó technológia biztosítja a jó teljesítményt és csökkenti a gyártási költségeket Egy mechanikai berendezés működése vizes környezetben különleges kenési kihívást jelent. Meg kell előzni az elhasználódást és a korróziót, ugyanakkor meg kell akadályozni, hogy az anyag a vízbe mosódjon. E feladatok megoldására a vízcsapgyártók tipikusan kétfajta zsírt használnak. Az ...
LEDLINE 500 is a highly intensive UV-LED line. Its compact design makes it easy to transport and thus ideal for mobile use.Its intensive irradiation ensures reliable production results within seconds. A special arrangement of the LEDs guarantees homogenous intensity distribution. For larger irradiation areas LEDLINES are stackable almost without gap and up to any lengths. LEDLINE 500 is especially apt for curing UV reactive adhesives and ...
Electrolube Unveil New Conformal Coating Innovations At Productronica
The global manufacturer of electro-chemicals took the opportunity provided by Productronica to unveil the jewel in its crown – the all-important conformal coatings product range - which this year is set to halt visitors in their tracks as the company showcases a remarkable new product range. Taking centre stage is the innovative range of two-component conformal coating systems, prefixed ‘2K’. The new range comprises three products, each meeting a host of specifications and all ...
Dow Corning® Thermal Radical Cure EA-7100 Adhesive is a onepart, non-flowing adhesive enabling design flexibility due to strong adhesion to a broad range of substrates. Benefits: Design flexibility due to durable adhesion to a broad range of substrates Faster cure times and/or lower cure temperaturesAdhesion that forms simultaneously with the cure to specific substratesLow void formationAdhesion in harsh environmentsGood results from salt spray, water immersion and saltwater ...
TECHCON Dispensing Robot - TSR2201 | New
Techcon Systems bench-top dispensing robots are easy to program, simple to operate and compatible with all valve types and controllers.Designed and configured specifically for fluid dispensing applications, Techcon Systems robots provide total control over fluid placement, from beads, arcs and circles to repeated timed dots. Programming is simple via teach pendant.From a general assembly manufacturer looking to automate an existing dispensing application to an engineer designing ...
DOW CORNING OS-10 / OS-20 / OS-30 | New
Dow Corning® OS-20 Fluid is an ozone-safe volatile methylsiloxane (VMS) fluid developed specifically for use as a precision cleaning agent and carrier. Applications: Solvents or carriers for silicone oils or greases Cleaning contaminated surfaces prior to painting or bondingRinsing parts after cleaning with stronger cleaning agents; dry to leave no residues or spotsAerosols for cleaning industrial optics and spectacle lensesImpregnating “wipes” for ...