AIRJET cleaning machines are
used for cleaning and rinsing process
technology of air-bubbles in
cleaning bath. These devices are
designed for applications of maintenance
cleaning, especially soldering
frames, pallets, masks, reflow
oven filters, wave soldering machine
parts etc. Offering high capacity
and big process chamber sizes,
mostly built as a multi-chamber solutions. Also available special one-chamber
full automatic model Airjet 943 CRD
designed for use with flammable
solvents developed for removing of
some special cured coating materials.
Number of chambers: 3
Processes: cleaning / rinsing / drying
Device dimensions: 1870 x 1430 x 1000 mm
Max. dimension of cleaned part: 300 x 600 x 600 mm
Dimension of carrier basket: 420 x 1200 mm
Weight (without cleaning fluids): 450 kg
To be forwarded to the cleaning fluids